Last updated January 03, 2025
How to increase attention span is a real question for millions of people suffering from a short attention span. The human mind is very fickle and fickling is not all about bad things. The mind has a high tendency to stray at the first opportunity that presents itself. But you can’t blame the mind for its unstable nature.
You can’t stop its fluttering but still, you have an option to manage it by getting trained to remain attentive and focused. By getting trained you will get more efficiency.
How to improve attention span? Or how to increase attention span?
Knowing how to improve attention span or how to increase attention span is the same question. here are the best ways to improve attention span with the help of some activities to increase short attention span.
1. Meditation:
Meditation is one of the best and ancient ways to improve your focus, as it helps to train the human mind to stay attentive.
Now people start to give and take mind training and even the educational institute has proper classes regarding the same. The students who took a mindfulness class were more attentive than others. It powers the brain, and the students are advised to eat healthily.
2. Exercise:
Exercise is not all about physical fitness, it helps to fit mind health as well. The exercise increases your focus and attention. A recent study found that physical activity increases cognitive control as well. This is why exercise is part of every training or therapy for ADHD people.
3. Behavioral therapy:
Several types of behavior therapy are used to treat mental health conditions. It helps to remove inappropriate or self-destructive behaviors. And behavior therapy is an effective way to treat autism and ADHD.

4. Listening to music:
As classical music helps in peace of mind it also helps to pay attention. A study at Stanford University School of Medicine found that listening engages the areas of the brain involved in paying attention.
5. Drink Tea And Coffee:
It is found that Coffee may alert you while tea can help you pay attention. Black tea contains an amino acid that affects areas of the brain that control attention directly. There is not any solid proof but most professionals admit that Tea drinkers were able to pay attention and perform tasks better.
6. Drink Water:
Staying hydrated is important for the human body and mind. Dehydration may worsen your ability to think. Dehydration is one of the biggest reasons for distraction.
7. Chew Gum:
A study at Cardiff University in the U.K. indicates that chewing gum can increase your alertness and improve your attention. Chewing something is a good tool to engage yourself.
The cause of short attention span ADHD
Here are some causes of short attention span ADHD
1. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD):
People with ADHD often have problems paying attention and controlling their impulses as reacting hyperactive is a symptom of ADHD. but it is not sure that everyone who has ADHD disorder has the hyperactivity component. Most ADHD people are not able to focus on particular things.
Kids with ADHD may have poor grades as they spend much time daydreaming while Adults with ADHD may face relationship problems.
2. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD):
Autism is a mental disorder that causes behavioral and communication challenges in society. Children with autism have a low attention span as they are distracted easily and cannot focus on a particular thing for a long time. ASD is diagnosed in childhood but in some cases, it lasts up to adulthood.
People with ASD face multiple issues including:
- Restricted or repetitive behaviors
- The problem in relating to others
- difficulty in expressing needs or feelings
- Aversion to being touched
3. Head injury:
A head injury might be one of the causes of a short Attention span if someone sustains a brain, head, scalp, or skull injury might face the following issues.
- Headache
- Dizziness
- memory loss
- vision disturbance
- Nausea
- headache
- confusion
- personality changes
- memory loss
- Seizures
4. Depression:
Depressed people often face difficulty in concentrating and it is a common sign of Depression. Depression can severely affect someone’s life.
Closing Line:
In this article, you can find several ways to increase your attentiveness. Short span is a serious problem for people with ADHD and autism.